The dictionary tells us that hope is "a yearning with expectation or anticipation." The Greek definition of hope means "to be intensely expectant, to be confidently looking forward to something you fully expect to happen."
Do you desire something in your life? That hope or anticipation can be the anchor of your soul. Hope helps you set divinely-inspired goals. While anchor is defined as "something that serves to hold an object firmly in place." An anchor keeps you from drifting. Hope can keep our soul - which is made up of our mind, will, emotions, and thinking faculites - at rest in turbulent waters.
When the waves are crashing against your ship, and you're in the middle of the storm, the anchor of hope serves its purpose by keeping you at rest. That hope keeps you from drifting off into troubled waters.
We experience the greatest battle in our mind. When you have prayed and believed God for certain things, and your head starts telling you there's no way this is going to happen, hope is the expectation that will anchor your soul and straighten up your thinking. Hope will keep you at rest, firm and steady, when your mind is being bombarded by thoughts of giving up.
Don't forget all those times God answered your prayers and performed miracles in your life. Remembering those impossible situations He brought you out of will cause hope to rise up on the inside of you and anchor your soul!
You have to make your mind, will, emotions, and thinking faculties line-up with what the Word of God says. You have to tell your soul to have hope, to not give up, and to trust God! With that hope and trust, you come out victorious.
@ iamteddieb
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