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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Monday's Motivational Push

Get-rich-quick schemes are just that – schemes. Much as we might wish otherwise, none of us are never going to go from average Joe to the Forbes list of richest people in the world overnight.

So how do the rich get rich? Some are born that way and some get lucky. Others have advantages most of us will never have. But if you ask the world’s self-made billionaires how they achieved success, most will tell you it’s not that they’re necessarily smarter than everyone else and they didn’t rely on a some super-secret formula the rest of us don’t know about. Instead, they often credit their success to taking risks.

When speaking to people in their forties and beyond, many say that if they could do their career over again, they will have taken more risks, settled less and spoken up more often. In short, they wished they would ve been more courageous in the risks they’d taken.  Perhaps you relate.

Often we know what it is we want to do, but we still don’t do it. Why? Because we are innately risk averse and afraid of putting our vulnerability on the line. The status quo, while not particularly fulfilling, can seem like an easier, softer, less scary, option.  In other words, we find it much easier to settle with the status quo, keep our mouths closed and our heads down rather than make a change, take a chance,  or speak up and engage in what I call a “courageous conversation.”

With the rise in popularity of MMM and other multi-level marketing networks, many have decided to push fear aside and take the risk to invest. Network marketing, otherwise known as multi-level marketing, is often stigmatized as get-rich-quick or pyramid schemes. While the myth that all network marketing companies are scams is steadily being dispelled, some still question whether these businesses are actually worth getting involved in — can ordinary people be successful at them? My answer is yes.

There are quite some reliable multi-marketing networks you can try out like:

Zarfund where you trade on bitcoins
Crowd Rising
MMM Nigeria
Givers Forum
Helping Hands International etc

Will there be risks involved? Of course!  But remember that you are wired to both overestimate the size of them and to underestimate your ability to handle them.  The truth is, as Lao Tsu wrote two thousand years ago, “You are capable of more than you think.”

Fear regret more than failure – history has shown that we fail far more from timidity than we do from over daring.  Or to quote a little Latin: Fortes fortuna Nigeria

“Fortune favors the bold.”


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